Branding 101: what is branding and why is it so important for your growing business?

Branding is literally the most important part of any business — no pressure!

But seriously, your company’s brand is how you connect with potential clients and consumers. 

Good branding will help you attract new business, grow your reach, and build a trustworthy,  memorable reputation.

Whether you run a big business or operate as a freelancer, creating a strong and cohesive brand that really represents who you are is essential. Let’s have a look at what branding is, why it’s so important, and how it’ll help your business thrive.

This is branding so important - logo - design - identity

What is branding?

These days, the term ‘brand’ is used pretty loosely. Some people even consider their personality traits as their own personal ‘brand’. 

Essentially, your brand comprises a name, logo/symbol or visual design that’s easily identifiable as belonging to your company. I love this quote from Seth Godin that really sums up what a brand is and what it does: 

"A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer's decision to choose one product or service over another."

Your brand is not just a logo, it’s represented by every consumer-facing aspect of your company. It’s the sum of a huge range of assets: your logo, font usage, colors, shapes, your messaging and tone of voice, your social media presence, your customer relations, your product quality, and even your price point. 

As consumers, we often don't even notice all the things that go into making a brand. But we can undoubtedly distinguish good branding from uninspired branding.

Without taking the time to intentionally craft every single front-facing aspect of your company, your brand can look incomplete or pedestrian. And when it does, you risk having little to no emotional connection with the audience you’re trying to work with.

Why strong branding is so important

Your branding is the first impression that a client or customer gets of your company. 

Right away, it tells potential customers what you’re all about — your values, your purpose, and what kind of company you are. Chances are, you’re competing with a lot of other companies offering the same, or similar, services. Having a defined brand will set you apart from the rest, and hopefully resonate with customers on a more personal level. Even if it’s something as small as the color scheme on your website.

Secondly, a consistent brand builds trust. If a company's style and tone varies between platforms, customers may lose faith in the brand. Why? Because a mismatched designed approach lacks authentic voice. Sticking to your brand means that customers know what to expect from you, every time.

Finally, a strong brand makes you recognizable. Using the same logo, font, and color scheme across all aspects of your business will help you stick around in customers’ minds. Buyers can’t come back to a brand they don’t remember, so it’s important to make a long-lasting impression. 

That’s not to say you can’t rebrand though. But rebranding projects are delicate matters, and you should always consult a design expert for professional advice.

Branding helps a growing business (like yours!)

Having a strong brand is essential for any business, especially one that’s just starting out and trying to grow. Here’s why:

Branding helps you to reach your ideal customer

As humans, we’re naturally drawn to things that we identify with. If a customer sees your brand and feels as though the branding you’ve designed resonates with them, they’re more likely to want to form a connection with you. 

Your branding is the best way to communicate with buyers. Use your brand to show off your values, your knowledge, your humor, or whatever else you want your business to convey. 

Do that, and the right customers will be naturally drawn to you. I promise!

Branding generates word of mouth referrals

As we know, consistent and cohesive branding makes you memorable. The more you stick in someone’s mind, the more likely they are to refer you to others. Whether it’s because you have an Instagram grid they really like, or a tone of voice that sets you apart, it’s all about being memorable and growing through genuine appreciation.

Branding provides direction and motivates your team

Having a clear brand strategy is essential if you’ve got employees or are working with others. 

Defining your brand makes sure that you’re all on the same page and have the same vision in mind for the company. Even if you’re all working on different parts of the business, a brand keeps you right on track.

Branding is a true north as you grow

Defining your brand, and making sure every element of your day-to-day business is consistent with it, will really help you stay focused on your end goal. 

When you’re first starting out, it can be tough to stay on one straight path as you grow your business. Inspiration comes from everywhere! And there are so many potential revenue streams your business could make use of. 

Having a clear vision makes it a lot easier to stay on task. If your ideas are all over the place it can lead you to feel stressed or overwhelmed — making you a lot less efficient in running your business, too.

Branding can help you win investment

When it comes time to find investors for your business, optics are everything. Having a polished product you can present — with a cohesive message across your website, social media, and physical products — will show investors how serious you are about your business. 

Your branding choices will show off who you are as a company and where you’re going in the future. 

Let’s build your brand!

Chances are you’ve already got some ideas for how you want your brand to look and feel. But with so many other companies out there, how can you make sure you’re giving it your all? 

Street Designed can help you out! 

Our brand design service includes a style guide to elevate your brand in an eye-catching and consistent style across all your platforms. Get in touch today and we can have a (free!) chat about jump starting your brand revamp!


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