SIX | Blogging hacks for your new biz – Simple tips to keep your content (and readers) flowing

A blog is a powerful business tool. It brings in new leads and — believe it or not — brands using content marketing see conversion rates six times higher than their non-blogging competitors.

Who’d want to pass that up?

So how do you get started with your business blog? Here are all the tips, tricks and smart working hacks you need to create great content and attract those all-important readers...

  1. Write for your reader (it's a conversation, not an essay!)

Many entrepreneurs fear blogging because they don’t consider themselves “good writers”. If this sounds like you, it might help to view your business blog in a slightly different way.

Instead of seeing the blog as a collection of essays (cue scary memories of high school English assignments!), see it as a way of simply talking to your customers.

Your blog allows you to reach out and start a conversation — no clever metaphors or perfect paragraphing needed.

Remember to play to your strengths, too. Your creative insight and industry know-how will prove much more useful and engaging for your readers than any amount of literary flair!

2.Keep your content plan simple

Nothing’s more daunting than a blank page. But, as with everything in life, the challenge becomes much more manageable with a simple plan of action.

Pick two or three topics you’d like to tackle over the next month. Then write down two or three points you’d like to make in each of these posts.

Ideally you should give yourself a little time between coming up with your topic ideas and sitting down to write. This gives your ideas a chance to percolate — so when you do get round to writing, the thoughts flow much more freely.


3. Keep your language simple, too

Take a minute to consider how you read articles and blog posts online. Chances are, you scan and skim. And, chances are, your audience does as well.

So how do you accommodate this light-touch approach to reading?

For one, your sentences should be short — and paragraphs should be broken down into manageable chunks of text (no more than 150 words, according to the experts). 

You should also include descriptive subheadings — making it easy for a reader to skip to the parts of your blog they’re most interested in.

And if, while you’re writing, you can hear your old English teacher asking just what on earth you think you’re doing breaking all these grammar rules, then check out Grammarly. This online tool will help improve your web-friendly writing skills and offer some reassurance that you’re getting it right.

Because keeping your language simple isn’t just for the benefit of your readers, it helps build your business, too. Search Engine Optimisation bots love easy-to-read language, sending your blog content higher and higher up a reader’s results page — nice!

4. Know why you're writing, before you start

Each and every blog post you write has to have a purpose. You have to know why you’re writing this particular piece of content before your fingertips hit the keyboard.

Not sure of your reasoning? Ask yourself the following questions before you start writing — and try to get really specific with your answers.

  • Who are you writing this blog post for?

  • What are you trying to say?

  • Why is that important to your readers?

  • What action do you want them to take afterwards?

  • How do you want them to feel (about your business) as a result?

If you struggle to answer these questions, pick a different topic. Your blog posts will be far easier to write — and they’ll perform way better — if you have this basic framework in place.

5. Write in whatever order feels easiest

Even when you’ve got a solid plan and rationale for writing a blog post, those first few words are often the trickiest. In fact, it can feel like getting blood from a stone.

So forget starting at the beginning! Leave that punchy introduction until the end, and jump in wherever you feel you’ve got the most to say — even if that’s a paragraph slap bang in the middle of your blog!

Get your creative juices flowing first, then worry about the rest.

6. Share your content everywhere you can!

After all the effort you’ve put into your blog post, you want to get it the exposure it deserves.

And while search engines might do some of the work for you, you can help maximise your readership by posting it where your could-be customers are.

Share blogs on your social media platforms, offer snippets as part of Instagram stories, send links via your e-newsletter or by direct mail if you think your client will find the content useful.

The more places you share your blog, the more impact your content marketing will have.


7. Keep going!

In all honesty, blogging won’t produce ROI immediately. It takes time — and patience — to build up a readership and start seeing results.

Sure, you’ll experience writer’s block. You may struggle to come up with ideas, too. And you may worry in those early days that your blog just isn’t reaching enough people.

But keep at it! We promise that over time, your blog will play a crucial role in attracting and converting customers on your business website.


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FIVE | How to create a brand that speaks to your personality and your business