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FOUR | Affirmations for a positive mindset when you're starting out as a creative entrepreneur

Well done, you! You’ve taken the leap and decided to pursue your dreams of becoming a creative entrepreneur.

It’s time to think big! And believe 100% in your creative talents!

But that’s easier said than done.

Turning your creative ambitions into a reality can be an exhausting task. It’s mentally demanding. It requires a heap of perseverance. And it’s pretty much a 24/7 commitment.

All of this can leave you feeling drained and doubtful of your abilities.

But don’t worry. When you’re running on empty, a few positive affirmations can help to top up the tank and get you back into the best possible mindset.

Why are positive affirmations important when you're starting out?

When you’re starting a new business, you’re living through an uncertain time. 

But one thing is for sure: negative thinking can really affect how you go about your day to day. And unhelpful thoughts leave a lasting imprint on your state of mind.

If you’re constantly thinking about what could go wrong, you don’t open yourself up to all of the things that could go right.

That’s where positive affirmations come in. These wonderful little nuggets of positivity have the power to change negative thought patterns and improve your self-esteem long term.

How to make positive affirmations a part of your daily routine

Just like brushing your teeth, positive affirmations should be built into your daily routine if you’re to really see the benefit.

You could say affirmations to yourself every morning as you get ready. Or every evening right after you wrap up work.

Put sticky notes on the bathroom mirror. Play back affirmation recordings you’ve made on your phone.

And if you’re experiencing a particularly bad moment of negative thinking, step away from what you’re doing, make yourself a cuppa and give your self-esteem a good talking to.

Wondering what exactly you should be saying to yourself? Take a look at the following gems, sure to enhance confidence in yourself and your creative work.

33 positive affirmations for harnessing creativity, self-love and future success

Positive affirmations for creativity

Creativity is a fickle friend. One day your mind is brimming over with uniquely wonderful creative ideas.

And the next all you’ve got buzzing round in there is the theme tune from that annoying advert.

What’s more, self-doubt can easily send your creativity off course. Feelings of confidence and positivity are nearly always required when we’re creating something new.  

So if it feels like your creative spark has fizzled out today, rediscover it with these positive creativity affirmations!

I am unique.

My work is unique.

I am authentic and expressive.  

My work makes a difference in this world.

I am driven by passion and purpose.

The best ideas take time.

Creativity flows in every aspect of my life.

My creative skills are evolving each and every day.

I am thankful for my creative talents.

I find inspiration all around me.

I trust I am exactly where I need to be in my creative journey.

Positive affirmations for self-love

Your relationship with you is the most important relationship you’ll ever experience.

And if the self-love isn’t a-flowing, it’s pretty much impossible to be the best version of you that you can be.

Make the time for some self-love affirmations every day. When you feel good about yourself, everything else – family, friends, work… – all starts to fall into line too.

I am enough.

I am confident.

I am a beautiful and successful person.

I love and respect myself for who I am.

Everybody makes mistakes. I will learn and grow from mine.

I have everything I need within myself.

I have achieved a lot today.

I seek progress, not perfection.

The only person I compare myself to is the person I was yesterday.  

I’m proud of my efforts.

I am attracting good things in my life.

Positive affirmations for future success

Visualising your success gets you one step further towards achieving it.

But when you’re stuck in business admin and wondering when your next sale will come through, keeping the bigger picture in mind feels like a tall order.   

Regularly repeating these affirmations will help you to celebrate how far you’ve come, forgive your mistakes and believe that the power to realise your creative dreams already lies within.

I am determined to succeed.

I am creating the life that I want to live.

I am letting go of self-doubt to make room for growth.

I believe in myself and my ability to conquer my goals.

I see obstacles as an opportunity to grow.

I am worthy of success.

Every day is another day closer to reaching my goal.

The work I put in today will pay off in the near future.

I create the opportunities I wish to receive.

I have the courage to keep going.

I am excited about the future.

So there you have it – 33 positive affirmations to help you and your creative business achieve success.

We hope these phrases come in handy in those early days of entrepreneurship when everything feels new and a little scary!

And if you need a little extra help harnessing your passion and realizing those creative business dreams, check out our web design services. We can show the world just who you are and what you can do for them.  

Contact up today at